FERIADU SIRA IHA TINAN 2025KOMUNIKADU IMPRENSAFeriadu sira ho data fiksu no data variavel nian determina husi Lei n.10/2005, loron 10 fulan-agostu, ba tinan 2025...
Exploring Timor-Leste From the Air is a stunning photography book featuring over 100 high-quality aerial images taken throughout this captivating, yet often overlooked, country.The...
Dili, 10 Dezembru 2024 -Prezidente no Laureadu Nobel ba Pás, J. Ramos-Horta, intrega Prémiu Direitus Umanus Sergio Vieira de Mello Edisaun 17 ba vensedor...
Fruit trade between China and ASEAN countries has been thriving in recent years thanks to the increasing trade relations between the two sides.
At a...
Setidaknya 12 korban pelecehan seksual di Gereja Katolik Portugis telah mengajukan tuntutan kompensasi, Grup Vita melaporkan, yang merupakan peningkatan 50% dari satu bulan yang...